Your Vote Counts!

The election season is here, and included on the ballot are candidates and issues that impact school outcomes. Voting is one way that we can ensure Alamance County’s future as a vibrant, thriving community. Alamance Achieves wants to encourage you to do your civic duty this fall to support our kids, our schools and our community. 


Alamance County has a strong grid of high-quality early education resource. Children who have access to these resources throughout their first five years are more likely to be ready for kindergarten and beyond. Your participation in picking school board members, as well as voting for other candidates, helps our community to continue to improve our schools and provide even more opportunities for our children and our future.

Here’s what you need to know about voting in the 2020 election.

Early voting in North Carolina began Thursday, October 15, and ends Saturday, October 31. Unlike on election day when you have to vote at your assigned location, you can cast your ballot during early voting at any early voting site in Alamance County.

To find the early voting site nearest you, visit the North Carolina State Board of Elections and enter Alamance County.

Early Voting

If you haven’t registered to vote yet, you can also do that in person during early voting. You will need to bring either your North Carolina driver’s license or another photo id issued by a government agency as long as either option has your current name and address. You will also need a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document to verify your name and address. College students need to bring a current college/university photo id and proof of campus habitation.  

If you need assistance voting, the same help is available to you during early voting that is offered on election day. You can learn more about your assistance options here. One other option that is available at early voting is curbside voting. For more information, visit Curbside Voting.

Election Day

If you choose to vote on November 3, finding your polling location is easy. The North Carolina State Board of Elections has an easy to use search function to help you. Simply visit their site and enter your address. The results will tell you your polling place, as well as give you links to a sample ballot for your area in the upcoming election. 

You can find information about the candidates in Alamance County, as well as other details about the upcoming election in our county, at the Alamance County Board of Elections.

Not sure if you are registered? You can check here.